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Cracking the GRE Premium Edition with 6 Practice Tests, 2019
THE ALL-IN-ONE SOLUTION FOR YOUR HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE! Get all the prep you need for your best score on the GRE with The Princeton Review, including 6 full-length practice tests, thorough Verbal and Math topic reviews, and exclusive access to premium online content with tons of extra practice and resources. Techniques That Actually Work. - Powerful tactics to avoid traps and beat the GRE - Pacing tips to help maximize your time - Detailed examples of how to employ each strategy to your advantage Everything You Need to Know for a High Score. - Thorough reviews for every section of the exam - Valuable practice with complex reading comprehension passages and math problems - Extensive GRE vocabulary list featuring key terms and exercises Practice Your Way to Perfection. - 6 full-length practice tests (2 in the book & 4 online) with detailed answer explanations - Drills for each test section--Verbal, Math, and Writing - Step-by-step guides for interpreting your practice test results - In-depth score reports available for online practice exams Plus, with Cracking the GRE, Premium Edition you`ll get online access to exclusive premium content for an extra competitive edge: - Key info about grad school admissions, testing calendars, and financial aid - Video tutorials that break down strategies for each section of the GRE - Multi-week study guides - Special "GRE Insider" section packed with helpful info about grad school admissions, popular programs, application requirements, and more
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Cracking the GRE Premium Edition with 6 Practice Tests, 2019


EAN: 9781524757908

Cena v e-shopu899,- Kč

Neznámá dostupnost ?Nedostupné položky si můžete zařadit do seznamu hlídaných knih (hlídací pes). Jakmile bude titul dostupný, budeme Vás informovat.


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