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Exploring Grammar in Writing Paperback
This book contains varied practice activities and a wide range of formal and informal text-types for upper-intermediate to advanced students. Popis:Exploring Grammar in Writing develops students` understanding of how genre, context and purpose affect grammatical choices in writing. The book provides 20 units of clear explanations, lively grammar practice exercises and writing tasks. Each unit focuses on a different area of writing and its typical language features. Using real written examples from the Cambridge International Corpus, Exploring Grammar in Writing helps learners improve both their grammatical awareness and their writing skills.ContentsContents Acknowledgements v Introduction vii Part 1 Writing for different readers 1 Everyday notes 3 Shortening the message by using ellipsis Common abbreviations and when to use them 2 Greetings Cards 9 Conventional expressions used for different occasions Varying the warmth and formality of the message 3 Formal letters and e-mails 15 Expressing requests for action and making suggestions Combining modals and conditionals to make requests 4 Policies and agreements 21 Modals and semi-modals of obligation Formal versus informal language choices Part 2 Building noun phrases 5 Business letters 29 Patterns of noun phrases Writing opening statements 6 Hobby books 35 Using articles with countable and uncountable nouns Degree adverbs 7 Informal letters and e-mails 41 Using articles to show shared knowledge Handling vague language. 8 Catalogues 47 Building noun phrases using for and with Adjectives which take prepositions 9 Technical manuals 53 Nouns pre-modified by other nouns Prepositions used to express precise actions Part 3 Adding more information to the sentence 10 Encyclopaedias 61 Defining and non-defining relative clauses Starting a relative clause with a preposition 11 Blurbs 67 Adding information at the start of a clause Variations in noun pre-modification 12 Holiday brochures 73 Expanding the sentence using co-ordination Handling adjective choices 13 Travel guides 79 Adding information to the noun by apposition Varying the style by moving appositional phrases 14 Direct mail 85 Adding comparative and superlative structures to the sentence Adjectives that do not normally take comparative or superlative forms Part 4 Sequencing and focusing 15 Everyday instruction booklets 93 Non-finite clauses: -ing and to ... Prepositions introducing ?ing clauses 16 Newspaper stories 99 Handling and combining adverbs of time and place Adverb phrases starting with prepositions 17 Packaging 105 Various styles of instructions Reduced imperatives 18 Advertisements 111 Using adverbs for emphasis Using only for focus 19 Essays 117 Comparing approaches Making your own point and supporting it with references 20 Feature articles 123 Interesting the reader and changing the focus using it Adjectives and verbs commonly used in it clauses Key 129 Glossary 159 Index 165
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Exploring Grammar in Writing Paperback

kolektiv autorů

EAN: 9780521669948

Cena v prodejně  ?"V naší prodejně ve Vrchlabí prodáváme knihy za cenu doporučenou výrobcem. Tato cena je obvyklou cenou v kamenných knihkupectvích."710,- Kč
Cena v e-shopu568,- Kč

Neznámá dostupnost ?Nedostupné položky si můžete zařadit do seznamu hlídaných knih (hlídací pes). Jakmile bude titul dostupný, budeme Vás informovat.


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