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Have You Filled A Bucket Today? : A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids: 10th Anniversary Edition
"Children are not the only ones that need to learn how to be truly happy. It`s all in the bucket, that invisible bucket that follows you everywhere... teaches young readers valuable lessons about giving, sharing, and caring. This guide to daily happiness, though, is not just for kids. We all need reminders of the benefits of positive thinking and positive behavior. It`s an important lesson to teach and remind us all . . . that showing kindness and appreciation of others goes a long way to making this world a happier place for everyone, including ourselves. A classic tale, beautifully told and beautifully shared." --Emily-Jane Hills Orford, Readers` Favorite Book Reviews While using a simple metaphor of a bucket and a dipper, author Carol McCloud illustrates that when we choose to be kind, we not only fill the buckets of those around us, but also fill our OWN bucket! Conversely, when we choose to say or do mean things, we are dipping into buckets. All day long, we are either filling up or dipping into each other`s buckets by what we say and what we do. When you`re a bucket filler, you make the world a better place to be! This 32-page picture book is perfect for children, parents, grandparents, teachers and people that want to teach empathy, nurture kindness and create a positive environment in their home, classroom, workplace and community. For more information on bucket filling or free downloadables and resources, please visit Publications by Bucket Fillers:- Have You Filled a Bucket Today?- Fill a Bucket- Growing Up with a Bucket Full of Happiness- My Bucketfilling Journal- Will You Fill My Bucket?- Bucket Filling from A to Z- Bucket Filling from A to Z Poster Set- My Very Own Bucket Filling from A to Z Coloring Book- BABY`S BUCKET Book- Halle and Tiger with their Bucketfilling Family- Buckets, Dippers, and Lids
Cena: 269,- Kč

Cizojazyčná literatura > Angličtina

Have You Filled A Bucket Today? : A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids: 10th Anniversary Edition - McCloud Scott
Cena v e-shopu269,- Kč

Neznámá dostupnost ?Nedostupné položky si můžete zařadit do seznamu hlídaných knih (hlídací pes). Jakmile bude titul dostupný, budeme Vás informovat.

Have You Filled A Bucket Today? : A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids: 10th Anniversary Edition

McCloud Scott

EAN: 9780996099936

Cena v e-shopu269,- Kč

Neznámá dostupnost ?Nedostupné položky si můžete zařadit do seznamu hlídaných knih (hlídací pes). Jakmile bude titul dostupný, budeme Vás informovat.


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