Knihkupectví U Krumlů s.r.o.

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Sleeping Giants: Themis Files Book 1
Dr Rose Franklyn discovered the giant metal hand by accident. Now she must find out where it came from, who made it and what it is for. Unfortunately, her task is complicated by: The military, who are paranoid and desperate for answers. Foreign agents urgently trying to get their hands on what she knows. The obstacles the hand's mysterious makers put in her path. But most puzzling of all is the identity of the curious, nameless interrogator piecing together a story that might just take us to the stars . . .
Cena: 299,- Kč

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Cena v e-shopu299,- Kč

Neznámá dostupnost ?Nedostupné položky si můžete zařadit do seznamu hlídaných knih (hlídací pes). Jakmile bude titul dostupný, budeme Vás informovat.

Sleeping Giants: Themis Files Book 1

Sylvain Neuvel

EAN: 9781405941730

Cena v e-shopu299,- Kč

Neznámá dostupnost ?Nedostupné položky si můžete zařadit do seznamu hlídaných knih (hlídací pes). Jakmile bude titul dostupný, budeme Vás informovat.

Dr Rose Franklyn discovered the giant metal hand by accident. Now she must find out where it came from, who made it and what it is for. Unfortunately, her task is complicated by: The military, who are paranoid and desperate for answers. Foreign agents urgently trying to get their hands on what she knows. The obstacles the hand's mysterious makers put in her path. But most puzzling of all is the identity of the curious, nameless interrogator piecing together a story that might just take us to the stars . . .


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