Knihkupectví U Krumlů s.r.o.

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The Smartest Places on Earth : Why Rustbelts Are the Emerging Hotspots of Global Innovation
The remarkable story of how rustbelt cities such as Akron and Albany in the United States and Eindhoven in Europe are becoming the unlikely hotspots of global innovation, where sharing brainpower and making things smarter- not cheaper- is creating a new economy that is turning globalization on its headAntoine van Agtmael and Fred Bakker counter recent conventional wisdom that the American and northern European economies have lost their initiative in innovation and their competitive edge by focusing on an unexpected and hopeful trend: the emerging sources of economic strength coming from areas once known as rustbelts" that had been written off as yesterday`s story.In these communities, a combination of forces- visionary thinkers, local universities, regional government initiatives, start-ups, and big corporations- have created brainbelts." Based on trust, a collabourative style of working, and freedom of thinking prevalent in America and Europe, these brainbelts are producing smart products that are transforming industries by integrating IT, sensors, big data, new materials, new discoveries, and automation. From polymers to medical devices, the brainbelts have turned the tide from cheap, outsourced production to making things smart right in our own backyard. The next emerging market may, in fact, be the West.
Cena: 549,- Kč

Učebnice > jazykové > angličtina

Cena v e-shopu549,- Kč

Neznámá dostupnost ?Nedostupné položky si můžete zařadit do seznamu hlídaných knih (hlídací pes). Jakmile bude titul dostupný, budeme Vás informovat.

The Smartest Places on Earth : Why Rustbelts Are the Emerging Hotspots of Global Innovation

Van Agtmae Antoine, Bakker Fred,

EAN: 9781610394352

Cena v e-shopu549,- Kč

Neznámá dostupnost ?Nedostupné položky si můžete zařadit do seznamu hlídaných knih (hlídací pes). Jakmile bude titul dostupný, budeme Vás informovat.


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(c) 2007 - 2024 Knihkupectví U Krumlů s.r.o. Krkonošská 196, Vrchlabí, IČO: 08677662 DIČ: CZ08677662, telefon: 499 421 524, e-mail: vývoj, správa elektronického obchodu XML Sitemap