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Wim Hof Method
INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The only definitive book authored by Wim Hof on his powerful method for realizing our physical and spiritual potential. "This method is very simple, very accessible, and endorsed by science. Anybody can do it, and there is no dogma, only acceptance. Only freedom." ?Wim Hof Wim Hof has a message for each of us: "You can literally do the impossible. You can overcome disease, improve your mental health and physical performance, and even control your physiology so you can thrive in any stressful situation." With The Wim Hof Method, this trailblazer of human potential shares a method that anyone can use?young or old, sick or healthy?to supercharge their capacity for strength, vitality, and happiness. Wim has become known as "The Iceman" for his astounding physical feats, such as spending hours in freezing water and running barefoot marathons over deserts and ice fields. Yet his most remarkable achievement is not any record-breaking performance?it is the creation of a method that thousands of people have used to transform their lives. In his gripping and passionate style, Wim shares his method and his story, including: - Breath?Wim's unique practices to change your body chemistry, infuse yourself with energy, and focus your mind - Cold?Safe, controlled, shock-free practices for using cold exposure to enhance your cardiovascular system and awaken your body's untapped strength - Mindset?Build your willpower, inner clarity, sensory awareness, and innate joyfulness in the miracle of living - Science?How users of this method have redefined what is medically possible in study after study - Health?True stories and testimonials from people using the method to overcome disease and chronic illness - Performance?Increase your endurance, improve recovery time, up your mental game, and more - Wim's Story?Follow Wim's inspiring personal journey of discovery, tragedy, and triumph - Spiritual Awakening?How breath, cold, and mindset can reveal the beauty of your soul Wim Hof is a man on a mission: to transform the way we live by reminding us of our true power and purpose. "This is how we will change the world, one soul at a time," Wim says. "We alter the collective consciousness by awakening to our own boundless potential. We are limited only by the depth of our imagination and the strength of our conviction." If you're ready to explore and exceed the limits of your own potential, The Wim Hof Method is waiting for you.
Cena: 499,- Kč

Cena v e-shopu499,- Kč

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Wim Hof Method

EAN: 9781846046292

Cena v e-shopu499,- Kč

Neznámá dostupnost ?Nedostupné položky si můžete zařadit do seznamu hlídaných knih (hlídací pes). Jakmile bude titul dostupný, budeme Vás informovat.


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