Knihkupectví U Krumlů s.r.o.

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Angels of Wrath: Wield the Magick of Darkness with the Power of Light
This is not a book of casual curses, but a book of peace and justice. Angels are powerful beings that can be called to work great and wrathful wonders.If your sincere intent is to cause harm, confusion or disruption, the angels will comply.Should you have any fear that this work is evil or an abuse of angelic contact, then read no further.Far from being the delightful creatures of peace found in New Age artwork, angels are spiritual beings of immense strength, and this strength can manifest as wrath.Whether you are new to magick or quite experienced, this book will introduce you to a lesser-known group of angels. When called in combination, these angels have the power to cause devastation to your enemies.Such workings are as powerful as a curse, and often more targeted and cunning.There are twenty-nine powers to be revealed:The angels can bind, destroy defenses, remove wealth and destroy a business, while rendering your victim too weak to respond and unable to see what you are doing.You will have the power to silence and confuse, bringing illness and insomnia to those who trouble your life.For more severe enemies, you can bring the wrath of judgment upon them, and remove their ability to find spiritual sanctuary.You can produce hatred between those you name, while causing anxiety, dark moods and memory loss, with confusion of the heart and mind.There is a ritual to prevent your enemies from working magick.This angelic magick will only work if you are sincere in your intentions. It cannot be used to instigate casual cruelty.This is not a book of evil to delight the wicked, but a book of harmony. If you have been wronged, this book gives you the power to restore your personal peace.
Cena: 369,- Kč

Cena v e-shopu369,- Kč

Neznámá dostupnost ?Nedostupné položky si můžete zařadit do seznamu hlídaných knih (hlídací pes). Jakmile bude titul dostupný, budeme Vás informovat.

Angels of Wrath: Wield the Magick of Darkness with the Power of Light

EAN: 9781521469934

Cena v e-shopu369,- Kč

Neznámá dostupnost ?Nedostupné položky si můžete zařadit do seznamu hlídaných knih (hlídací pes). Jakmile bude titul dostupný, budeme Vás informovat.


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