Knihkupectví U Krumlů s.r.o.

knihkupec logo knihkupectví,, s láskou ke knihám s nadšením pro vás, knihy skladem, expedujeme do 1 pracovního dne. Profesionální přesto lidský přístup. Contact Details:
Main address: Krkonošská 196 543 01 Vrchlabí, Česká Republika ,
Tel:(420) 499 421 524, E-mail: knihkupec(at)
Doors: Colony
When his beloved only daughter goes missing, millionaire entrepreneur Walter van Dam calls in a team of experts - including free-climbers, a geologist, a parapsychologist, even a medium - to find her . . . for Anna-Lena has disappeared somewhere within a mysterious cave system under the old house the family abandoned years ago. But the rescuers are not the only people on her trail - and there are dangers in the underground labyrinth that no one could ever have foreseen. In a gigantic cavern the team come across a number of strange doors, three of them marked with enigmatic symbols. Anna-Lena must be behind one of them - but time is running out and they need to choose, quickly. Anna-Lena is no longer the only person at risk. They little expect door ? to take them back to the 1940s - but this is not the 1940s they know. In this timeline, Nazi Germany capitulated early, the US has taken control of Europe and is threatening the Russian-led Resistance with a nuclear strike. If the team is to rescue Anna-Lena - and survive themselves - they will have to stop this madness - at all costs!When his beloved only daughter goes missing, millionaire entrepreneur Walter van Dam calls in a team of experts - including free-climbers, a geologist, a parapsychologist, even a medium - to find her . . . for Anna-Lena has disappeared somewhere within a mysterious cave system under the old house the family abandoned years ago. But the rescuers are not the only people on her trail - and there are dangers in the underground labyrinth that no one could ever have foreseen. In a gigantic cavern the team come across a number of strange doors, three of them marked with enigmatic symbols. Anna-Lena must be behind one of them - but time is running out and they need to choose, quickly. Anna-Lena is no longer the only person at risk. They little expect door ? to take them back to the 1940s - but this is not the 1940s they know. In this timeline, Nazi Germany capitulated early, the US has taken control of Europe and is threatening the Russian-led Resistance with a nuclear strike. If the team is to rescue Anna-Lena - and survive themselves - they will have to stop this madness - at all costs!
Cena: 232,- Kč

Cena v prodejně  ?"V naší prodejně ve Vrchlabí prodáváme knihy za cenu doporučenou výrobcem. Tato cena je obvyklou cenou v kamenných knihkupectvích."289,- Kč
Cena v e-shopu232,- Kč

Skladem u dodavatele ?Dodání nelze zcela garantovat, skladová dostupnost u dodavatele se může bez našeho vědomí kdykoliv změnit. Pokud nebude možné zboží dodat, budeme Vás informovat a případnou platbu bezodkladně vrátíme. Pokud bude možné zboží dodat, budeme Vás co nejdříve informovat o předpokládaném termínu dodání.
(Expedujeme během 2-14 dnů dle dispozic dodavatele)

Doors: Colony

Markus Heitz

EAN: 9781529402346

Cena v prodejně  ?"V naší prodejně ve Vrchlabí prodáváme knihy za cenu doporučenou výrobcem. Tato cena je obvyklou cenou v kamenných knihkupectvích."289,- Kč
Cena v e-shopu232,- Kč

Skladem u dodavatele ?Dodání nelze zcela garantovat, skladová dostupnost u dodavatele se může bez našeho vědomí kdykoliv změnit. Pokud nebude možné zboží dodat, budeme Vás informovat a případnou platbu bezodkladně vrátíme. Pokud bude možné zboží dodat, budeme Vás co nejdříve informovat o předpokládaném termínu dodání.
(Expedujeme během 2-14 dnů dle dispozic dodavatele)


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(c) 2007 - 2024 Knihkupectví U Krumlů s.r.o. Krkonošská 196, Vrchlabí, IČO: 08677662 DIČ: CZ08677662, telefon: 499 421 524, e-mail: vývoj, správa elektronického obchodu XML Sitemap