Knihkupectví U Krumlů s.r.o.

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The Little Book of Paris
Paris has long been in the top three of the most visited cities in the world, attracting a record-breaking 38 million visitors in 2019. However, behind the glamour and shimmer of this iconic city, Parisians are under pressure. The city is expensive, overcrowded, polluted and full of tourists. But Paris remains a dream city for most citizens of the world. Its beauty and its charm, mixed with its raw and rugged character, are fascinating.It is an awe-inspiring mystery. In this book, you will learn how the river Seine shaped Paris`s history, and how the city then built itself around that central area and survived the world wars. Featuring a comprehensive look at the city`s iconic landmarks and museums, such as the Sacre Coeur, la Tour Eiffel, the Louvre, and L`Atelier des Lumieres, as well as the world-famous restaurants and haute couture brands. This book is for Paris lovers, but also for those who have yet to visit or those desperate to return.
Cena: 199,- Kč

Cena v e-shopu199,- Kč

Neznámá dostupnost ?Nedostupné položky si můžete zařadit do seznamu hlídaných knih (hlídací pes). Jakmile bude titul dostupný, budeme Vás informovat.

The Little Book of Paris

Orange Hippo!

EAN: 9781800690257

Cena v e-shopu199,- Kč

Neznámá dostupnost ?Nedostupné položky si můžete zařadit do seznamu hlídaných knih (hlídací pes). Jakmile bude titul dostupný, budeme Vás informovat.


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